Wow Really People. $600, is not too much for a new IPad or IPhone and a new one comes out every year! Now I will admit, I am going on 48 and my fast paced gaming days are slowing down to more strategic type games, so this pad would probably be the last investment I make into the gaming market.
I Own over 500 games and that is not an exaggeration, which 300 I probably have not even really played. I have finally crossed into that place in a man's life where I guess we just want a few things and keep it simple! Don't teach me anything new (even though I do already have windows 8 and love it!
Also think of this, if you are on the go, generally you play on the go games Civilization V, Turn Based Games, BeJeweled or maybe even Infinity Blade 2 (on the plane, in the limo plus think of battery life) don't no body want you sitting next to them all jerking and moving and hollering obscenities .. until you get to where you are going. Take care of your business. Might Play a quick on the go game while on lunch. Finish your business for the day, now if you are going to a hotel, would you want to whip out that gaming tablet for most of the hardcore games don't and are not going to support touch screens well any time soon! Or would you honestly hdmi out to the tv in your hotel room. Or Are you going to want to set up that gaming laptop on that little cooling stand right on your chest or in your lap, good wireless mouse to the side and some good wireless gaming headphones to still give you that needed surround sound
I have been a gamer since the 70's. I have been an on the road Technology Instructor for the last 7 years. I've lived the life.
@Flakcon I have The Razor Naga Epic (Gaming Mouse) Lasted almost 2 years but now it keeps turning off, even, when I have it wired (Not in wireless Mode). I also own a nostromo left handed gaming controller, but have had no problems with it, but would like for game configurations to save to the cloud like your configurations for your mouse and some of their other products!
@solidzombie @Stebsis Exactly! Just the point that we are on this site talking about this makes us above the average Tech Level of most people! So people that are not already will only care about, is it easy, can I play the games I want, and is it cost effective! Those of us that already have OS preferences and so forth are going to do what we do anyway!
@Goddammitj @andrew_ribbons Yea, right now it's free, but think of this... Let's use Android for Example:
Most people still don't know that Android is a Version of Linux. Most people don't realize that Android - for Most Part, is free! Why, because normally we get Android with the Phone or Device we purchased for it! But then certain hardware co's may tweak the os to it's desire and it may no longer work to the "Standards" used by the Mass! So if you try to automatically put another version of Android on your android phone, it is hard and may not work, or work right and may also break the warranty of your device.
There is a reason why we have industry standards!
With that said, Game developers will have to be willing to invest the dollars to make engines that will use the OS capabilities also, so if the market share is not going to be great enough, why bother!
@skrsks @andrew_ribbons @DarkNeoBahamut But - that is the whole point skrsks, Steam is not going to respect open source, and neither will any "For Profit" company especially one that just wants to be able to "Become " one of the Big Boys! They all want to be "The Winner!" Meaning the company getting the most of"US" dollars!
They are throwing up smoke and mirrors like a steam box is going to "replace" your pc! What will the Steam Box, bring to the table that we aren't already eating!
Will it be easier to hook up than a Xbox or a Playstation! Will it have a better line up of games, or will the games be priced better?
Other than that, anybody else that knows the ease of hooking a PC up to a 60 inch Screen and playing there games on it, without having to pay extra for %$#$% will do just that!
Are as many people ad dumb as the Big Rich people believe! Reading the posts here, I am starting to agree with the Rich People!
Get this in your head - general public! Ain't nobody doing ^%&$ for fun! Companies are in business to get your hard earned Dollar, Period!
There will always be operating systems, and we need more than just one! If every one jumped ship and went to Linux, then one day Linux can wake up with a swollen head (or a hard on - LOL) and say ok, now we are going to demand.... Licenses. They will make you want it to, they will fake or have some type of tragedy occur, then say that Licensing is needed to weed out the unjust!
Look at how we have the Birth of Uplay, Origin, Steam, App Store, PSN, Nintendo Store, MS Store... etc, etc, etc... All these big companies have the same thing in Mind, they want you to spend the majority of the gaming or entertainment dollars you do spend filling there pockets so that they can Live Their Dreams!
So to talk so bad about Microsoft, Or iOS, or Android is just as dumb as talking bad about the other! Get what you want because it is what you want and fits your lifestyle and your wallet!
iOS wants Microsoft's revenue, Microsoft Wants iOS revenue, Steam Wants Googles revenue, etc, etc, etc... Just good ole Greed! To think any of them really care about "US" is crazy, they only care about getting "US" money! That is always the motive!
I have to admit. I now stay away from titles that have DLC that should be part of the original game. Now BF3 - I could understand it's DLC. But I brought PGA 13 and brought the Legend Edition, thinking I should have everything right! Nope, DLC was available the same week the game was released, plus in the game all the advertising and begging for you to purchase more stuff to go with the game. It is crazy.
Big titles are starting to fail, Diablo 3 another, why, stop advertising one thing then give people another. Also, getting people to rate your game higher than it deserves don't work anymore if a person know how to use YouTube to View Gameplay footage!
The biggest mistake is the price! At $60.00 bucks we expect a lot! Not expect to have to shell out another $120.00 bucks to end up with a total game! Or sale the game for say $20.00, then if I like it, I will buy the DLC, as long as it's priced fair, and if it ads a value that I desire. I hardly play the Story of FPS, so sale me a $20.00 Multiplayer Version! Or RPG's I may not play the Multiplayer but want the Singleplayer. Get the idea! But $60.00!!! At first we fell for the price hike when the consoles were released, but even PC titles went up, when we already pay a good penny for a good gaming machine!
So let me guess, when new Gen Systems come out games will then be $59.99 for standard edition! Good Luck! We may buy 1 or 2 of your titles at full price!
Look at the Game Path of Exile, Or DOTA 2. Even though the game was going to be free, I quickly shelled out 10 or 20 bucks to play the BETA and know if I like it, that I already own it. The Games are good, and I don't have big expectations why, because I only spent 10.00!
They have made games about the rich folks making money, instead of the games being "FUN" and true to the genre it belongs and the Fans!
Forgive me for any typo's but the input window keeps jumping up and down as I type so I don't feel like trying to edit!
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