Gamecube in my opinion was the best sixth generation consle. everyone bought PS2 because of GTA and the sports games (which every year is the same garbage as last year but people still buy it) but look at it what games were great on PS2 that were exclusives?
good exclusivegames on ps2:
-Metal Gear Solid: Snake eater
-Ratchet & Clank 1,2 & 3
-God of war 1 & 2
good exclusive games on Gamecube:
-Super Mario Sunshine
-Sonic Gems Collection
-Animal Crossing
-Metroid Prime 1 & 2
-Star Fox Adventures
-Star fox Assult*
-LoZ Wind Waker
-Loz collectors edition
-Mario Kart Double Dash
-Donkey Konga
-Donkey Kong Jungle beat
-Mario Party 4, 5 & 6
-Pikmen 1 & 2
* = I was the only one to like this one ** = I found 7 to be like sports games (same stuff as last time)
ok there is alot more games for Gamecube
but I think wait a year sell the cube (unless your attached to your /GB player like me) and buy a Wii.
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