@VenomX18 I actually felt like the Collector Ship was your greatest nemesis in Mass Effect 2. I mean you see it completely destroy the first Normandy with impunity after it had survived just about everything, including Sovereign, the universe could throw at it. I was definitely feeling the tension before the last mission of going back for a head to head matchup against that monster. Especially after it boarded me and took my entire crew without so much as a fight. I felt like the small fish being continually hunted by it and I needed as much firepower and time to buildup as possible if I was to even stand a chance against it.
Meredith, from Dragon Age 2, could have been argued to being a decent villain for the story, as she was mentioned early enough in the game, just as you were first entering Kirkwall. But her extremely late cameo and then her obviously unsubstantiated, and just plain unbelievable intolerance of the mages under her charge, was just so over the top, she was more the lunatic of the story that needed to be taken out of office, than a respectable villian you could see as a threat or challenger to your Hawke.
GS: Did you toy with the idea of tying the equipment system with the relationship system? For example, you can equip a character only if you've built a positive relationship with him or her. -- Why does he refuse to directly answer the question? Oh right, that's because there is no answer. You cannot put your gear on your companions because... because... Because you just can't. So there. -- GS: A lot of PC fans have talked about the removal of the tactical camera. What was the decision process for removing that instead of keeping it in there as an alternate perspective? -- It has to do with level design, eh? What level design? You mean the five maps we see the entire game long? You don't want us to notice that we've walked through the same mine, dungeon, coastline, ten to fifteen, to twenty times, over and over again? Well, I'm sorry. We refuse to be that gullible. You failed. -- GS: When you made that change, did it feel like a big gamble at the time? -- Oh yes, he's surely going to admit that. I'm sick of this. BioWare is going to continue to shovel sh*t until there's no more sh*t for them to shovel. Thank you for ten years of great gaming before you sold out. Now enjoy selling your soul to the EA Devil.
You mean there's an Xbox360? And a PS3 out there? I think I remember them. They sit somewhere in my living room beneath my TV gathering dust. Everything looks so much brighter, crisper, and fresher on my desktop. I've forgotten there was a console war anymore. hehe. PC rocks!
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