I have had my new 60gb xbox 360 for about 4 months after my first xbox 360 got the RROD (red rings of death) but now the xbox 360 wont read the disks can anybody help me to get my xbox fixed again i tried removing the plugs and them back in place (didn't work) i have tried swich the hole thing off (didn't work) i have tried changing the disks (didn't work) so now i am completly stuffed also i have the game castle crashers (FULL GAME) and it said i only have the trial?? WTF!!! can you plz help me!
riastar15's forum posts
you should really download CROSS FIRE it is a free fps multiplayer game at its best its like counter strike mixed with battlefield it is really REALLY GOOD!! its good to play when board plus theres LOTS OF PLAYERS ONLINE so you should really check it out
hope this helped :D
You should get....
MGS: Portible ops
and Ranchet and clank size matters:D
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