I turn off my 3d a lot of times for Ocarina of time, because it's difficult using the slingshot with it on. But I'll definitely have it on full blast for all cutscenes. Thanks for the heads up.
richydoan's forum posts
No one's probably gonna agree with me, but how about Dragonball Z: The Legendary Super Saiyan. I'm talking about the RPG one from the SNES.
Netflix online doesn't work either.
I went to Gamestop with streetpass on and still didn't get any other streetpassers.
I've already pre-ordered Samurai Warriors: Chronicles. I've always been a sucker for created characters and the option to choose what to say. Especially games with different outcomes like Riviera: The Promised Land for the GBA.
Samurai Warriors Chronicles is supposed to have online.
I hope so. I already pre-ordered it.
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