rickshao / Member

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Broken Promises...

   I know that in game industry we ought to be greatful that games come out on their set release dates and not being delayed, but is it just me, or do you guys agree that game studios should not release upcoming games info untl they are 3, 4 months to their release dates?

   I mean, we gamers are constantly being fed new info and hypes on how awsome games are gonna be, and then not only are they being pushd back indefinitely, they suddenly just dropped out on the face of the earth.

   As a college student of C++ programming and an avid gamer, I can understand that games are pushed  back a couple of months to work out the kinks; being pushed back 3, 4 months, "Okay, fine!" But titles such as Assassin's Creed, MGS4, Warhawk, Havenly Sword, and let's not forget a little trailer on a game called Killzone, got gamers so psyched up only have us disappointed when they postpone these games, and most of them still don't have a release date in sight. It is especially aggravating when some of these games were promised to be out on the PS3 launch window.

   In an interview with Hideo Kojima, Kojima even said that MGS4's summer '07 release could be pushed back despite the fact they gave us a vague release date to begin with. And to the postponement Kojima replied "Well, I did not promise that (summer release), Raiden did!" Well, you know what, Kojima? Thats why we all hate Raiden!

   Is it too much to ask for game studios to keep their mouths shut until the games are close to the release dates? All I'm saying is that when studios generated all these hypes, they better stick to their release dates, and if they keep delaying games, these games have better deliver. Which is why I know Duke Nukem Foever is going to be the best game of this millennium!