I actually just got the limited edition brain age 2 ds lite (it's red and black)so brain age 2 Final Fantasy IIISim City DSWario Ware TouchedSuper Mario 64 DSnot much but i'm brokehey mifujifi, is your collection alphbetacally ordered??
OoT all effing out, even if it costs like $60, i would still get itmajoras mask=awesomebond, perfect dark, mostly just OoTp.s. they have starfox for the ds
if jessica alba and scarlett johanson were to magically combined into one, she still wouldn't be hotter than thisand if you guys think either one of them is ugly, then f#%& you
or, it would even cooler if metroid dread was a code name for the release of metroid 2:the return of samus and super metroid, redone for the ds, but now that im typing it down, it sounds stupid, nevermind, 2.5D would be cool for dread
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