It is officially summer vacation! w00t w00t! I finally have more time to myself, and guess what that means? Video games for three months! And, a little bit of swimming if I get a chance to clean out the mutant scum living at the bottom of my pool...
Anyway, yes, I do get more time to play games. Check out my Xfire profile. You'll see I have 30+ hours of WoW in and another 30+ hours of Gunz. I have around 11 hours of BF2 (as far as i remember) and 5 hours of Half-Life 2 (surprising there, considering i'm scared of what those headcrabs might do to me if i let my guard down... O~o). This is so excellent! Even better: I'm going to get GW: Factions on Wednesday! I've been wanting this game for so long. Two days from now, I finally get me very own copy of Factions. ^_^ Me very very happy indeed!
Newsy time! Letmesee here... What's something I can rant about today? Hum hum... Oh! Here we go! *ahem* Oh mi gosh! WTF...
Sez here that New Orleans police shot a mentally disabled dude in the back after Katrina. I haven't read the whole article yet, but DEBEW-TEE-EFF! This sounds almost like what Hitler did to his disabled people during the Holocaust. Oh holy...
I almost smashed the computer screen for a sec. My mistake. Anyway, I'm only gonna say this once: I hate Hitler! If you want reasons as to why I hate him so much, my list is one mile long. It'd take me two days to tell you every single little reason. So, let's not get into details, but let me say that the number one reason why I hate him is because of his ideology. I'm getting off topic, so you can figure that one out for yourself. Anyway, Chris (my boyfriend) thinks America is becoming a second nazi Germany. I agree with him. Look at all the proof around here. Like the Fox News people! They blabber on about nothing! And look at gas prices! They're going up one cent every day, but we never realize it! So mysterious!
I'm was fooling with you there the last few sentences. But yeah, I do think "teh americuh" is becoming another nazi state. I'm too tired to give proof, but you can Google the name "George W. Bush" and I can 99.9% guarentee you about 15/16 of those results are gonna be conspiracy-theorist-related or anti-bush. Yeah, it does get bad when 3/4 of the public thinks Bush is a lame-duck prez and he's neck-deep in scandals.
That's it for today's rant. Remember: if you're gonna waste most of your summer on video games, at least have the right snacks and drinks at your side! I'm off.
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