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Pure Gamers Rock Out Loud

We do. Seriously. In other words, I joined up with a multi-gaming clan just recently. Their name's Pure, and all of the members are so nice! n_n If you're looking for a great clan to join, here's the link: Sign up at the forums and you're automatically a member. Sign in while we're still recruiting! ;-)

Which leads me to today's blog post subject. Apparently, Pure didn't have a Guild Wars squad up, so I offered to help them out in that area and founded an in-game guild to represent Pure. I've already got a member, and capes! The only problem now: getting ourselves a hall. Which is why I'm planning an HoH invasion tommorow night.

To prepare for the invasion, I've come up with ways to prepare myself to lead these brave fighters to glory. Today, I present to you:

The Getting-Yourself-Ready-To-Lead-A-Bunch-of-People-in-GW
...and Stuff Guide!

Step 1) Always start off preperation time with a long, hot shower. Make sure to have expensive mall-bought shampoo and conditioner and soap before-hand. If you have music, it helps to pass the time. Play it in a CD-Player, and (i can't stress this enough) PLAY THE PLAYER OUTSIDE OF THE SHOWER. The chances of getting yourself foolishly shocked drop dramatically when you keep electrical stuff OUTSIDE the shower.

Step 2
) After the shower, always cool down from the shower with a full-body mask. Or, at least, from the face to the arms. Make sure to NOT touch anything, lest something gets covered in mud and your mask gets ruined (sort of). Keep the mask on for at least 20 minutes. Listen to music or read a document while you wait.

Step 3
) Prepare your hair. This usually involves much combing. If you aren't used to such hard work, have someone else brush hair. If there is hair soyeuse at hand, use it. It'll make your hair better. How, I have no idea, but it's gotta be good if it was bought at the mall.

Step 4) Pamper body with mall-bought body lotion. Make sure to massage the sore areas so you won't get cramps when you're nuking that damn annoying monk in the Hall of Heroes. Trust me. It helps.

Before Entering The Battle

Step 5) Glide lip gloss over lips. Make sure to do it quickly, or else you'll miss that called target. Or worse, get spiked.

And that's it for the guide! Oh, I guess I should point out: the guide only works if you're a girl, like myself. Or if you're a brave enough man to put on a body mask and glide lip gloss on.

Before I go... eMachines gets PWN'D! In Google form.

Yes, that's it. Laugh at the 0wnage. Laugh, my minions. Laugh...

Anyway, enjoy my revenge on eMachines and watch me leave. Bye!