Just so everyone knows this thread is almost 2+ weeks old I check it everyday to see if theres any new posts im always looking for people to play with currently im soul level 112 so if anyone has a high level character let me know thx ^^b
this thread is epic! and yes im always on i freaking work at gamestop so im on all night to play so if anyone is in for demon souls my PSN is Rippedfuel24 and! keep in mind dark souls! October wewt! add me i play alot of other ps3 titles! ^.^b
So I bought Demon Soul's last year when it came out and played numerous hours of it! i love this game but! my ps3 died and i didn't back up my hard drive so I must replay through this game! but come to find out my friends that bought this game with me became douche bags and wont play anymore! so i need your help all of you demon soul lovers! i need some demon hunters to play with to conquer this game yet again! please reply if anyone is interested in destroying this game with me before dark souls comes out this October!
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