@Halbermunken hahaha i think it would have back fired if they had put in something like protocol 9. I completely agree, this isn't a perfect game, actually it feels more like an expansion pack. Still, its like when AC: Brotherhood came and these reviewers themselves asked us not to compare it to the prev ones. (not saying ACB wasn't the greatest game) Its a good game getting over-shadowed by a spectacular predecessor and so it feels kinda underrated.
the game is very similar to City maybe even better at some aspects. So it looses points in innovation, but everything in city was spectacular and its only better in this game. The story-line is as exceptional as ever. COD and BF4 made repetitions too but they got overlooked. I've played this game and I was thoroughly entertained and thats what games are all about.
The only thing that pinched me was the fact that this game felt as if the developers felt bad for killing off joker and wanted to bring the character back somehow (IGN reveiw).
rishabhmonga's comments