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riuzaki Blog

first one didnt work...

well, i tried to get the pictures up, but it failed, so here is the link to my albums on myspace...and let me say now...: "my photos, Dharma initiative, and zelda cards" all contain some of the cards...but "puzzle pics, projects, tagged photos and drawings ^ ^" do not....if you want, you can look, but please don't say anything bad...and finally, "other?, cyber beast, star force, and double soul" are the other ones that contain cards....hope you like them ^ ^ : http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewAlbums&friendID=309870832

Mega man, mega man, and more mega man!

Well...its been a while since Ive put up anything new...and i would like to say, that if you have been following some of my "blog" things, then you may know about the yugioh cards with the mega man pictures...well, if I'm right the last time i talked about them, i was just starting out...well now...i have over 300...kinda sad, but hey, its something to do...and they include all of the battle network navi, star force navi, and a few LOST cards...ill try to find a way to put them on here or at least find a way to put them somewhere and have a link...maybe from my myspace...its an open profile, so you wont have to worry about that...but let me just say that i do have a lot of cards made ^ ^...

mega man cards

i have found out how to make my own yugioh cards, and i wanted to post a link to where they are, they might be bad, but i dont think s, and you may need to click on the picture to see it up close. hope you like them!:D


make a post if you could

for anyone looking at my page, go to the forums and if you can look up the title: if we had navi from mega man..., why? because thats the first topic ive ever had, and you dont have to if you want but if you could...please post. (sorry if i seem forceful)

mega man NT warrior

ive been watching the first series of mega man NT warrior, and i now know why mega man is so better as an anime, its that mega man can kill viruses with one buster shot! in the game, you have to charge the buster to even do alittle damage, even on a mettatur. but haveing the games brings some good things, that the chips in the games, are used in the anime, and me, whoknows every chip know to every mega man game, i have a verry good reputationfrom mega man fans. and hopefully, if i can find them all, i can try to get them as a picture on my profile. and for the mega man fans, did you know that the team games, the moon and sun games,and the cyber beast games are the only ones with dark chips? if i am wrong, then i guess i still need to study.


i found this music clip, and i think its for the new boktai game, not quite sure, but it sounds cool! this is the page, hope ypu like it! TAIYOHHH!!!!!!



i love the boktai series, even if only 2 have been made, i still cant help it! now django is ok, i mean, he is the solar boy after all, but who is even better? SABATA!!!! for those of you who have never played the game, sabata is djangos brother, and he is the lunar child, and his gun: the gun-del-hell!!!!!! whats even better? i dont only like the games enought to be typeng about them, but i made my own gun-del-hell from black legos. its sooo cool! and even thought i like sabata, i just cant help but cry out: TAIYOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

mega man 5

i hated the mega man battle network 5, because of the one: ghosts in undernet, two: the liberation missions, and three: the 100 ninja kill!!!!! the reason i dislike the ghosts, is because of the possability of the hp drainage. the liberations, because they seemed too lond and hard at the end. and the ninja kill, well....who doesnt hate that part that has played the game? no one, thats who!!!!! i could have settled for 90, even better at 70, but perfect would be 50! i mean, you know how if you do the harder version of the game? well, on easy, you start with 50, then go to 70 for hard, and the next hard is 100! (even thought i beat it, i still hate it and cant do it anymore)

my game life!

for my whole gaming life, i have never missed a mega man, Kirby, or metroid game! it may seem like a lie, but it is true, and also, my very first video game was the NES: sonic and knuckles. and so started the best waste of my life!!! for the metroid series, i say it was too short, not the games, but the series. Kirby, was OK, but the best one was air-ride. and for mega man, i don't consider the zero series a mega man, and i say that the X series is, but not a good one. other favorites are: a few Zelda games like wind waker and orcarena (don't care about spelling), the YU-GI-OH series like sacred cards, and then the Mario series like Mario 64, super Mario, Yoshi's island with baby Mario/Luigi, Luigi's mansion, and double dash for game cube.

mega man game: level maker

i think that capcom should make a game about mega man to where you can make your own chips and have things to where insted of working to get giga chips, you can have them right off! also, that you can control any navi you want, but it has to be in the last few games, includeing boktai people. i guess its kind of like battle chip challange, but better! and the last thing in the game is that you can save them and share the levels with other people. (this would be for DS of course)