Here we go a list of games I will be purchasing for the xbox 360 in the upcoming year in suspected release date order.
- Crackdown
- Bullet Witch
- Battlefield Bad Company
- Haze
- Huxley
- Project Offset
- MLB 2K7
- GRAW 2
- Medal of Honor Airborne
- Armored Core 4
- Army of Two
- Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway
- Forza 2
- The Darkness
- C&C:3
- Mass Effect
- Bioshock
- Assassin's Creed
- Frontlines: Fuel of War
- Dark Sector
- Turok
- Halo III
- Alan Wake
- Lair
- Interstellar Marines
- Warhawk
- Killzone 2
- Metal Gear Solid 4