They definately need to reduce the price or push the blu-ray more. Also games that are available else where should be priced the same as the games ELSEWHERE. People look at paying the full price for a game that they can get for 30 or 40 on the 360. I'm not going to buy FEAR or Oblivion again at the full price. AND Motorstorm is not the greatest game ever. It doesn't even have split screen play and it is very one dimensional gameplay wise.
Microsoft found out about your Wii you got banned. No but call MS support and if the person sounds like they can barely speak hang up and call again until you get someone who sounds pretty knowledgeable with English.
Its fun to be cole or locust and try to find hiding places since if you don't have a HDTV there's no way you're spotting someone hiding in the shadows. I'm getting red bulled for a night of playing all these.
Yeah because a game with some of the lamest voice acting and absolutely nothing genre changing in it is better. I like the game but it just followed the same formula as previous successful first person shooters. The only thing that was copied from this game was that it was a world war II game. The new COD game looks like it has the potential to reinvent the formula and create something awesome.
Exactly, the respawns. Just playing the game can average around 30 to 40 kills a match. If you are messing around practicing with the sniper or something then you can easily top 100 a match. People whine that achievements don't count in annex but its common sense. Do you want some fool with a bunch of dumbass friends to have the same achievement you played for three months solid to get? I didn't think so.
Guitar Hero II for the 360 is just too good. The only bad thing I can say to try to talk you out of it is there is no xbox live multiplayer and the controller isn't wireless. Besides that it is an amazing game.
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