CoD4 is probably you're best option if you own it. Quake 4 is dead, as someone has already stated. Nobody was passionate enough to stick around and create a sizeable community for it, hence it fell on it's backside. GoW or CoD4, most certainly for their online content, are the games you wanna be playing.
If your feeling incredibly old school then Quake 3: Arena is still alot of fun to play online. That's if it's still going (shows how much I thought about things before posting this). Other than that Team Fortress 2, bundled within the HL2 Orange Box Edt, is brilliant. It's still currently in beta but it's stupidly addictive if you ask me. That's what I'd reccomend but it's all about your playing style and what you enjoy. The suggestions I've read so far on here are all decent.
Which 360 package did you buy? The Core (no HDD) or Premium (with HDD)? I got a funky little card (like a scrach card) in mine which, when opened, revealed a code for me to activate a months worth of Live. I'm sure there is a way to claim a months free without such a card though.
*edit* To avoid confusion; when I say HDD I mean Harddrive, not High Definintion. Just realised that the term "HDD" could be misinterpreted.
I had the one month free gold subscription but I set it up through the XBOX itself. As soon as you set it up and input the code you got on the card, you're one month will start. As for you console serial number, if I remember rightly the one I described to you was the one I used to register my console. Just try it out. Either it works or it doesn't, and let me know how you get on.
If you're talking about the console serial number then its found within the consoles system menus. From you're dashboard goto your "System" tab and choose "Console Settings". In there, right down at the bottom, there is a "System Info" button. The number you require (atleast I'm assuming it's the same one you're talking about) is shown in there. Hope this helps.
I loved the Myst series of games and the adventure genre is most certinaly my favorite, but I really can't see myself getting into this online version of Myst for some reason. The concept just doesn't seem to work for me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I havn't played the game for me to base any opinions on it but usually something has to seem interesting from the offset to hook me, and unfortunatley this game just doesn't present anything. Maybe I'm being a tad critical, even presumptuous, but I really can't see myself getting into Myst: Online. Someone is going to have to come up with something pretty fine to persuade me on this one.
Both Gamespot and GameFAQs are very busy sites, on and off peak times of the day. I assume that it's because, like you say, Gamespot is heavily image based. Having said that, you're browser should store most of the sites images in it's cache to allow for easy loading next time you visit, so it seems a little strange that it's taking you an eternity to load the site.
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