rjdofu's forum posts
I'm going to pass on clicking on the video. I'm not really interested in watching another PS fanboy cry themselves to sleep over the Tomb Raider announcement. It will probably be on the PC at some point next year given MS's 3rd party exclusive track record.
He's not really a Playstation Fanboy
Oh ok...well it seems like it from the stuff I have seen from him in the past. I normally don't really follow people that whine a lot on the internet though, so I could easily be mistaken.
The hell are you talking about? Just admit that you don't know shit about him and his preference (he only played xbox & PC last gen FYI) and get on with it.
@ninjapirate2000: TR was amazing. Much better than Uncharted and that's coming from a huge Sony and naughty Dog fan.
Yep, much better than Uncharted, but nothing compared to Uncharted 2.
They're pushing these shits out like explosive diarrhea.
How many teams do they actually have on this franchise?
Platinum games
F*ck yeah!
Finally a new IP for the Wii U.
TPS, meh.
If the WiiU didn't have bayonetta and temp MH contract with Capcom, it would be the WiiU. But yeah, it's the X1 currently. I'm not even interested in the PS4 atm.
I'm just tired of consoles tbh.
Rocksteady **** yeah!
**** off WB Monstreal, let the real dev take care of the business.
Basing on the hype so far, I think it'll score a 9. I'm personally feel indifferent about it as it's a MP FPS, but i know how the industry is so crazy for one.
So hopefully a 9, the tears will be delicious.
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