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The ever rising needs of Gaming PC's - Woes of a Gamer

Change -It is said that change is the never changing attribute in the world.

Well, Change is everywhere whether you like it or not. But Change is very irritable for a gamer :(. Especially to a gamer from Asiancontinent or more particularly from a gamer of Indian origin like me. Because the cost of hardware and sometimes availability poses a big problem. The gamers from the western world are the most luckiest since they get to try everything fresh while it normally takes 3 months to 1 year to even reach the market. Which means we cant try out a game tat is new there until we get it here. Too sad. Hope this gets rectified soon.

A basic guide in relationships for hardcore gamers

As a hard core gamer, I always find myself in constant trouble to keep up with my promises to my frnds and relatives and always end up a embarassment. Actually after a considerable ground work I realised I can be a gamer as well as, well not a kind of social fanatic but still, socialize with ppl outside. There are certain rules I always take pains to follow.

rule #1: Ur frnds cannot be paused, So u ve to play with them until end.. But remember u ve to play successfully.. I always make sure to not start talking abt gaming with my frnd.. Usually the conversations are gossips so nothing much if we miss them, But still I make it up a point not to think abt games in tat time interval.

rule #2: Keep up promises. Tats important.. otherwise dont make any.. I follow the second one since its convenient..

rule #3: Avoid commitments. Yup.. As far as i am concerned I love gaming.. So I dont generally make commitments.

rule #4: Spend time with ur family atleast 30 mins a week.. Well I m better cos I spend daily 10 mins with my family at weekdays and atleast 45 mins in weekends..

rule #5: Follow all the rules

There u go u r now socializable gamer