if this is what microsoft wants to do, why stop them? i buy both Xbox and PlayStation products, though i'm leaning towards the ps4 more now, as it has been announced that it will be more powerful than the highest powered pc.
but who knows what will happen, there is quite some time before the console is actually going to be released
@Zoza24 I'm not a huge fan of the series, but who are you to say what should and shouldn't be boycotted? I'm pretty sure Activision's intentions aren't to teach children to have foul mouths? That is literally the most bizarre thing I've ever heard, not to mention the most pretentious standpoint/view. I'm fairly sure that 100% of multiplayer communities use bad language/taunts throughout gameplay, it is the individual, not the creator.
But anyway,
I think that people are neglecting to realize that, where there are a lot of big budget shooters coming out, there are also a lot of QUALITY big budget games coming out. I mean, look at Bioshock Infinite, the budget on that game was HUGE, as was the development team, and look how great that game turned out?
jfc grow up who are you people to question the choices of kojima? there are probably reasons he decided to go with a different voice actor the fact that some of you are boycotting the series based on those grounds, proves that you aren't loyal fans at all. who is to say that this new voice actor wont be better than hayter? just wait and see
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