Getting back on topic, in terms of starting equipment (which is really all that matters), I'd take the Royal and Temple Knight.
Royal being SL1 is great for customization and that ring is awesome though you can get it from the crow in 4-1. But Royal is by far the easiest class to start with depite having to lowest level. The red eyed knight and Phalanx are cake.
Temple Knight armor is great overall, if encumber is an issue, I usually go topless to begin with. You can get other classe's equipment on 3-1 with knight, thief, and magician sets and wood and silver catalysts. Also, the Bastard Sword and Scimitar in 1-1 takes care of the halberd problem and you can buy a or club spear from the merchant if you want. Crecent Falchion+1 in 4-1 then renders all other initial weapons obsolete anyways. I always go to 4-1 after Phalanx.
I like the look of the knight better that TK but like I said, one trip to 3-1 and I have the armor and shield.
Further, Temple Knight, Knight, and Royal all start with lowest luck which is the most useless stat to waste points into unless going blueblood. Temple Knight also has the lowest starting magic which is nice if you plan on going miracles only.
However, for "Role Playing" (kind of pointless in this game) I'd go with with a Wanderer or I run around as a naked barbarian the whole game.
Naked Barbarian dual wielding Meatcleaver and Dragon Bone Smasher FTW
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