It really is a punishment. but I haven't gotten around to it cause I am busy with classes plus I don't want to have to do that last mission again, it was extremely brutal. probably will have to wait until this weekend before I put myself through that again.
rlune52's forum posts
So I was playing Halo Reach on Legendary and I was on the last mission with only a little bit of the mission left. Then I get logged out of Xbox Live and not thinking I go to sign back in to Xbox Live, only to be completely logged out. So I get booted to the main screen, I sign back in and just assume I can just start at Rally Point Bravo(?) which is slightly further back from where I was, finish the mission, and get no achievements because I didn't beat the whole mission in one shot. Safe to say I wasn't happy.
So I was wondering if anyone has had similar frustrating things happen to them while playing a game.
not the shop that i went to, got a used game and when i get home and put it in it doesnt say that it is unable to read, it just brought up a white screen that said please put this disc in an xbox 360 system in about 80 different languages, and it didnt even register as a game. i dont exactly want to go back and buy anymore used games there because it is a 45 minute drive there and i dont want to be going back every week.called them and they said they would take it back luckily - although ironically just watched a programme how shops are getting tough on returns.
I have tried to clean the discs but the dirt\scratches just wont budge.
i 105% agree RakinR
with what?
i kinda chuckled when Marcus Pheonix said "Do you hear that" Dom: "it's probably the wind or something"...Marcus:"yea ...right, when was does the wind say HOSTILEEEEE" LMAO I RESTARTED MY 360 AGAIN JUST TO HEAR THA LINE.HoVDaHuSTLa1
i didnt have to restart my 360, cause i just kept dying over cause i couldnt handle that part, it handled me, and after a while it just got outright annoying
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