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So over the recent days, one to be exact, I did a multitude of things. I started playing more of Resistance and got quite deep into the story. I also started to play online, which I am not very good at, as of now. I said to myself, "Why spend so much focuse on these games you are playing now, why not try one of those downloadable puzzle games or somthing?" So I did. I downloaded the Eternal Sonata, LEGO: Batman, and Valkyria Chronicles demos. I'll break it down like so:

  • Eternal Sonata: Game seems very fluffy and fun. Didn't seem too non-linearand the battle system has a timer of 3 seconds to complete a move/heal. Which means, that if you do not know what you are doing, prepare to die.
  • LEGO:Batman: Very fun, like all LEGO games and you can be villans! BUT, it adds a lot to the LEGO series based on what you can do such as change into different suits and vehicles. Puzzles arn't so helpful and they are cluttering the game with all this new things that take away from the LEGO vibe.
  • Valkyria Chronicles: This game actually seems fun. It is somewhat like a 3-d version of Advanced Wars.

Aslo, I downloaded the two games Linger In Shadows and Penny Arcade game.I havn't started the PennyArcade game yet. And I beat the Shadows game in about an hour. And'll just have to read my review.