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robmcm85 Blog

Arkham origins reviews

So arkham origins came out today and I am a big batman fan and I have been waiting for it for a long time. I do not have it yet as my birthday Is coming up in a week or so and I'm getting it then. Anyway the reviews also came out today and some of them were surprisingly low. please bare in mind I have not played the game and these are just thoughts made off the trailers and gameplay footage. I was watching a number of different videos on the game. Some of the reasons why the game had a bad score seemed strange to me though. For example one of the main reasons why it was considered "bad" was because it was too similar to arkham city. Now I completely understand where this is coming from but surley that doesn't make it a bad game, was arkham city a bad game too? They also mentioned engine faults that were not mentioned in previous game reviews such as the lip syncing I guess I will have to decide what I think for myself.

So in other news I've started playing games I missed this generation. The main 2 I've been playing are final fantasy 13 and resident evil 6. Both of these games have quite mixed reviews and I had never played a ff game before and I have mostly always loved re, so I decoded to pick that up cheap.

I have mixed feelings on both games firstly re6 kind of dissapointed me but I am still thurally enjoying it nethertheless. While with ff I'm not sure if I like it or not. I have never been interested in Japanese media such as anime and jrpg's , but recently I have been seeing more and more as my friends push me into it.

OK last thing, I wanted to talk about agents of shield because it really dissapoints me whenever I watch it and compared to dcs superhero show arrow it is awful.

Anyway these are just my opinions.

Thanks for reading


I'm Back!

So I forgot about gamespot for a while but I'm back now and will hopefully (probably not) remember to use it. I recently found the gamespot show feedbackula and I was really surprised at our community as a whole. Now I personally don't comment on things very often and usually the most I ever do to a video is like it. I've never really been one for sharing my opinions and blogs like this is the closest I've ever got. I never feel the need to comment it seems pointless for most things, if I enjoy the video and channel I will continue to support them, if not I will just not watch, but i won't shout in the comments about how wrong other peoples opinions are or how bad the video was. A very recent example I can think of this is the Dexter Finale. Everyone online seems to hate it especially on sites such as reddit. But me personally really enjoyed it and that's my opinion and I don't care what some troll on the internet tells me. Anyway back to the gaming community being horrible, I wonder is it just most of the people who comment like this and the rest are quiet like me or has the gaming community turned into something horrible?

I'm new here!

So it's my second day using GameSpot and I am still unsure about the website but I am learning...slowly. Yesterday evening I tried to connect my GameSpot/fuse account to my game accounts.(Xbox, psn and steam) unfortunately I seem to get an error and then I get a mosaic of superman. Then I went on my GameSpot profile and noticed that my account was connected. So I have no idea what's going on. So soon am going to start writing game reviews using the proper GameSpot service and I may also do tv show and movie reviews on this blog. I will also start adding friends and writing on forums soon to and I can't wait to experience the rest of the GameSpot community. Thanks for reading, wish me luck Rob

My First Gamespot Blog!

Hello there! My name is Robert. Firstly I would just like to say this is my first time at ever trying blogging so please inform me of how you think I have done. I am a big gamer and have been since I was a kid and my dad first introduced me to the SNES and the N64. As a kid I loved games such as mortal kombat, goldeneye and super mario, Ever since then I have had a passion for games. I am currently 15 and most of my life revolves around gaming.I will game whenever I have spare time and I will spend time every day looking at the latest gaming news and watching game trailers. I am always playing games with my friends whether that is on PC on steam and skype or Xbox party chat. Whatever the console, whatever the game, we make it work. I try not to take sides such as the console wars as I just want to be part of gaming, but obviously I do have preferences. Currently my favourite games are: The Uncharted series and The Last of us Batman Arkham series Halo 4 Hopefully if i keep this blogging thing up, I will begin to post game reviews, top ten lists and more! For the simple reason that I love gaming.