I'm Back!
by robmcm85 on Comments
So I forgot about gamespot for a while but I'm back now and will hopefully (probably not) remember to use it. I recently found the gamespot show feedbackula and I was really surprised at our community as a whole. Now I personally don't comment on things very often and usually the most I ever do to a video is like it. I've never really been one for sharing my opinions and blogs like this is the closest I've ever got. I never feel the need to comment it seems pointless for most things, if I enjoy the video and channel I will continue to support them, if not I will just not watch, but i won't shout in the comments about how wrong other peoples opinions are or how bad the video was. A very recent example I can think of this is the Dexter Finale. Everyone online seems to hate it especially on sites such as reddit. But me personally really enjoyed it and that's my opinion and I don't care what some troll on the internet tells me. Anyway back to the gaming community being horrible, I wonder is it just most of the people who comment like this and the rest are quiet like me or has the gaming community turned into something horrible?