It's actually a lot worse. An objective review would place it around 5/10. Too often wins and losses have little to do with skill. The engine sucks plain and simple.
It's not a fun game and that's why it deserves a low score. With each iteration the game gets worse, the controls get looser, online gets worse....screw this franchise and its terrible games.
the reviewer is right though, it's so much more than just getting gud. The game itself has huge flaws, armor upgrades do nothing, phantom hitboxes, unresponsive controls, horrendous load times, slow menus, uninspired boss... I could go on
hahaha, greedy bastards, just watch how this destroys their client base. There is a 0% chance I buy the xbox now, why would I. If Sony does the same then screw them too
The only problem is it's hard to tell if it's a guy or girl, he/she needs to do a better job of identifying their gender role because it's confusing and awkward to not know whether you are a man or woman
robokill's comments