Xbox One is a gaming console that does so much more. Everyone is angry at Microsoft for there lack of promoting it to the hardcore gamer. Honestly it is annoying. However the games are there. I really don't know if I will use any of the entertainment features. I'm curious about them though. Maybe as a whole we will dig snap mode. Trending games could help you discover a great game. Talking to your Xbox will be awesome if it works properly. I have a surround sound and, Kinect never really did it for me. I have read great ideas about Kinect. Take facial recognition for example. What if you are playing a la noire type game. You're a murder suspect. Perhaps the sensor can tell if you are lying. Things like that are exciting and innovative. I realize that many Sony fanboys gobble up any chance they get to attack. That is okay to me. Competition is key to increase quality. I have owned all 3 consoles this gen. I'm excited for some upcoming Wii U games. Sony right now isn't on my to get list. I'm excited for Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Quantum Break, Forza and more. Never judge a book by it's cover. Perhaps our saying should be never judge a console by it's 180. It is going to be an awesome ride next gen. I can't wait.
I am excited with what xbox is doing. This will be the biggest game cosole launch ever. First the ps4 then xbox one a week later. Great time to be a gamer in my opinion.
As much as we all want a more mature Nintendo. It's not going to happen. The live in there own world. Don't care one bit for Sony or Microsoft. The had a chance to be partners with Sony. The first Playstation was an add on for the snes. Big N has had many commercial failures. They are smart though. The have the kids. I never see a kid walking around with a psp or a vita. It's always a ds or 3ds. If they had to I think the would leave the home console business all together. If mario was exclusive to the next generation ds they would just sell more. Nintendo had the casuals with the wii. Those people are either happy with what they got or moved on to there galaxy s4 or iphone 5. I wish Nintendo would compete. Scrap the wii u and through there cards on the table. It's just not them. They have no desire to be a straight up competitor to anyone.
Wouldn't you want as many people as possible getting a look at your new game? Espicially a game of this calibur. I have never owned a smash bros game. I do understand the popularity. How does nintendo expect to sell more console this way? To me nintendo seems like they think there own shiz doesn't stink. We can all smell it though. It's rank nintendo! A distant 3rd rank.
@Nibraybirk Your opinion is just that. Everyone has a right to there own opinion. This happens to be mine. It doesnt matter what system you play. Do you think the ps4 would be better without xbox one? The answer is no. Competition is a great thing. We all win in the end.
I agree with many about this being a slow news day. This story really annoys me for seem reason. I remember when the console wars was about the games. Now it's about features like this. I am buying an xbox one at launch. I made that decision along time ago. It wasn't based on cameras, connectivity, or lights on a controller. Honestly saying you are cancelling on Sony just because of this is crazy. This wont effect gameplay unless you have the PS eye. I say pick the console you want. Enjoy it and all the great games. That is what it is all about. Happy gaming everyone!
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