I think you just keep posting away. When you reach a certain amount of post your level increases. Thats how I seen it work on other boards.  But im not sure myself, as I havent been to the newbie section neither.... :-)
Are you talking about that ****** wireless bridge, i think they call it "wireless Gaming adapter". I got and have it for 3 months now, seems to work fine for me. connected to my wirless router (also by ******)Â with no hassles.
Whichever one you plan on buying consider purchasing the warrenty for it. Just look at how big the "MY XBOX is Broken" threead is. Or hold out ofr the Elite, rumor has it, that it should be more stable. (But Im still going to wait and see)
I keep some items in my inventory that increases how much loot i can carry like "Feather" rings and have lots of feather spells. Then when you clear out those caves or abandoned temples, grab all the loot that drops and sell them. Also as you sell keep bartering with sales guy, since everytime you sell him somthing your rating towards that person increases.
Mistakes happen. Sorry you had to drive 150 miles but it does happen. I agree with everyone who says work it out with the store first. If they refuse to fix the problem, then you should look to esclate this higher.
Ive bought some games from blockbuster this week, and the sales guy says not ALL the game sare 50% but a good amount of the older games are. Its funny cuase sometimes the USED games of the same title will cost more then then if you would to buy it new.
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