This guy was 21 years old when he was still assaulting people!!!! Not a teenager!
Marky Mark is not sorry for what he did. He didn't even make amends to the man he blinded for the MULTIPLE HATE CRIMES he committed. He threw rocks at Blacks and while calling racial slurs. He assaulted 2 vietnamese older men while calling them racial slurs. He beat one older Vietnamese man almost to death and BLINDED HIM in one eye.
This monster blinded someone in one eye. Think about that. He is PERMANENTLY BLIND for the rest of his life. Did not even take care of the medical bill while he's lounging in his mansion.
He isn't remorseful at all. Look at his interview on 60 minutes. No remorse what so ever. He served 45 days for attempted murder. 45 DAYS! for a HATE CRIME! Imagine if he was someone else, he would have gotten atleast 20 years!!!!! This guy is truly a scumbag, and while he thinks since he's donated to charity, he can amend for what he's done? He needs to find this man and make amends with him. If you look at his interview, this guy is truly not remorseful. His dad was one of the biggest racists in Boston, owned one of the most racist restaurants there. He doesn't blame his family, but they are pretty much the root cause.
He attacked a old minority while calling him racial slurs and beat him so badly he blinded him in one eye and rendered him unconscious. He was charged with attempted murder (HATE CRIME) and only did 45 days. Hate crimes today carry a sentence of life imprisonment. This should NOT have been tolerated in our society and sends the wrong message to people that look up to him.
Wahlberg has stated : "I did a lot of things that I regretted and I have certainly paid for my mistakes." He said the right thing to do would be to try to find the blinded man and make amends, and admitted he hasn't done so, but added that he was no longer burdened by guilt : "You have to go and ask for forgiveness and it wasn't until I really started doing good and doing right, by other people as well as myself, that I really started to feel that guilt go away. So I don't have a problem going to sleep at night. I feel good when I wake up in the morning." [12]
Mark thinks hes paid for his crimes by serving 45 days in jail. There are people in there with 1 gram of crack cocaine that have 20 year sentences.
This guy almost killed 3 people (recorded) 2 of them hate crimes (unprovoked racially motivated assaults), and God knows who else he wasn't caught for. He assaulted blacks and asians for simply being black and asian. He may have learned some of his ways, but no way should this guy be allowed to be on screen and be a role model for our children. It sends the wrong message.
If he truly went out and made amends to the people he permanently hurt, it would be a different story, but Marky Mark said he hasn't done so, nor will he, because he feels that by donating some money to charity and serving 45 days, he's paid his debt.
I honestly think that if that man wasn't Vietnamese, but some other race, people would be up in arms.
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