Command and Conquer: Renegade is the only Command and Conquer game that is in First-Person Shooter with RTS elements. In this game, you can play in first person view and in third person view. In this game, you'll play as Captain Nick "Havoc" Parker, a commando who will save the GDI's top three research experts of Tiberium and also the world. When I play this game, I have noticed that its gameplay is unique for a Command and Conquer game and even though it's not the Command and Conquer that everyone knew, it is still loved by many.
If I were not mistaken, Command and Conquer: Renegade has 12 missions and the gameplay will be explained further. About the gameplay, aside from its uniqueness, Havoc can use variety of weapons to do his objectives. There are 3 types of objectives: Primary Objectives (must-do objectives), Secondary Objectives ( Must-do or Optional Objectives), and lastly, Tertiary Objectives (Optional Objectives). You can also get a data in order to update your map and interacting with other people or anything can add contribution to your data. Augmentations in this game come rarely so you need to keep an eye on them because they can upgrade your health and armor. Riding tanks could be fun as well. This game also have multiplayer but sadly, the servers are gone, I guess but maybe there are private servers for this game. The saving system is manual except that it only autosave on the beginning of the mission. Anyway, you can save anywhere and there are some parts of the missions wherein you should git gud but if you memorize the entire place then good for you. There was an independent development studio, Totem Arts who worked on the remake of this game called Renegade X, which was released on February 26, 2014 (open beta)
-There are variety of weapons in this game and they're all awesome.
- As I have mentioned in this blog, it is very unique
- The storyline is save-the-world like but it's not too cliche-ey
- The music in this game is good. They make you immersed to the game
- Running is not actually running, he's like, jogging all the way. Anyway, sprinting wasn't much of a thing back then.
- It has a few bugs. Just check it out on the internet.
- Despite the uniqueness of the game, there are small parts of the game that are kinda repetitive to me.
Therefore, my score will be 7.5/10
What can you say about the game? Tell me more about it? Let me know in the comments!