Hey guys, so I'm looking to add 3DS friends. I'm specifically looking for Larvesta and Dragonair in the Friend Safari, but I'm more than happy to add anyone at all, regardless of your Safari type or Pokemon :) my Friend Code is: 1161-0426-4418. Feel free to add me and respond with your friend code so I can add you back :) greatly appreciated!
rocksword777's forum posts
Add me please too :) I'm adding you all now. My fc: 1161-0426-4418. Mine is Electric, has Emolga, Stunfisk, and Luxio
So i just have a couple quick questions about breeding, itll only take a second if someone can please answer for me :)
1. I know Ditto can be used to breed genderless pokemon and male-only pokemon. If I have the male version of a pokemon that does come in female, but i only have the male, can i breed it with a ditto?
2. Can two ditto be bred together to hatch a level 1 ditto?
2b. If you can breed two dittoes, if i breed two dittoes together and both have its hidden ability, imposter, what is the chance of the level 1 ditto having imposter as well?
You can trade pokemon into these games from diamond, pearl, platinum, heartgold, soulsilver, black, white, and whatever other games you may have. However, you can only trade back to black, white, black 2, or white 2. So once you trade over a pokemon from, say, diamond, you can never send it back.
The main difference between black/white and black/white2 is that black/white2, the story takes place two years later. In the story of black/white2, for instance, team plasma was defeated long agho and only remnants remain. Cheren is no longer a rival, but a gym leader. Bianca is a pokemon professor. N has reformed and become good. Also, there are some areas in the region which are now unaccessible and other new areas opened up.
Hope I was helpful! If you decide to get B/W2, I wish you best of luck and hope you have a good time :)
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