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Later Mr. Lesnar...

I hate Brock Lesnar. Who can really like a roid rage freak, whose gimmick was "i'm unstoppable!!!!>!>" Booooooring.

So it makes me very happy to hear that his UFC debut was soured by Frank Mir. It took 90 seconds for Mir to make Lesnar submit. Lesnar started the match the way anyone with no true MMA experience did, he threw his meat fists around and tried to use his roid rage to his advantage. Lesnar was then treated to why the UFC is the UFC, and soon found out he was fighting a mixed martial arts master. Lesnar learned that Vince McMahon was not going to come interfere with a steel chair, he also learned that MMA fighting is real. Lesnar tapped out, and then proceeded to look dumb. The man who caused so much hype, so much talk about pro-wrestlers moving to MMA, proved he had no clue what he was doing in that ring.

Good Riddance. I hope that any other WWE wrestlers think twice about coming to the UFC. Learn how to fight a MMA match, and don't expect your pro-wrestling experience to do anything in the "octagon."

Other than that, DMC4 and Lost Odyssey on the horizon, and I sincerely hope that the new ps3 sku will have BC. If not I'm probably just going to buy a 60 gig used again.