Hey Everyone!I've been on Animal Crossings since Christmas and am looking for more people to visit.Kt. Mav City0946-6419-2223Please Add me :) Message my inbox with your code so you can be sure I got it :) thanks!kt.
Hi Sonia,I've added your friend code. Please add me :)Name: Kt. (include the period at end)Town: Mav CityCode: 0946-6419-2223 Thanks!!!! :)Katie
Sounds Great!!We'll open ours for you later as well. Here is our info:Code: 0946-6419-2223Name: ktCity: Mav CityThanks again. We'll bury some oranges for ya!
:o Hey Everyone :oIt's now 11:11 PM Eastern Time on Friday, my gates will be open for about an hour. Anyone visiting, please leave me your info on my message board by the townhall.CheersB
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