rodrigo_br Blog
Not playin any game...
by rodrigo_br on Comments
Well, right now, i haven't been playin, i'm more into my MSN and Orkut...
So today, it's the first time that i talk 'bout my personal life... if there was something to talk about...
since there isn't much, i may talk about the UpComing Need For Speed: Carbon
It seems that it's going to be an amazing game, with the canyon races, the drift comeback and the most important, the Autosculpt feature, the autosculpt is the feature that all the NFS fans that did like the Underground games are lookin foward, since, at least by EA's view, is the ultimate Customization...
we've all saw some videos with this feature, some videos with gameplay, some interviews(the Ign special video feature is the best one, cuz' it's funny) and other stuff...
some people even have the demo already, even though the demo isn't all that much...
The fact that the game comes with a mix of the preview 4 games(Police, Customiation, free roam and fighting for rep) makes it looks just amazing, but, is it really all that???
I'm a fan of the series, but, i have to say, even though the autosculpt is great, it is limited...
what i mean? as in previous NFSs you get a selection of bumpers, spoilers, and these kind of stuff, but this time around, you mess with the desingn of these parts,BUT, they are all pre-designed, so you aren't able to really create "your own custom parts" since beside they being pre desingned, there's a limit of how much you can mess with these pre designs, and some people may have noticed that, this variety, is, so far, only avaible to the Tuners and Exotics, in the Muscle customization, as we've seen in the Camaro video, can only be done to the original parts fo the car, what means that they won't look so different from the stock version after you "autosculpt" it...
I could talk a lot more of the customization part, but, the game has more to offer than that, so, let's talk 'bout the Gameplay.
As we might(or not) expect, when racing, the handling is very familiar to that of last year's Most Wanted, at least when you're not drifting, and, some reviews talk about stepping on the brakes, yeah, we might need to use the brakes this time, what means that the game moved a little bit to a Simulator handling, but, don't worry, it's not all that much, i mean, by the videos of gameplay, you won't be able to take turns at 120Mph, but, perhaps you can still take 'em at 90Mph? who knows? the game isn't finished yet...
On the drifting side, it isn't is like the drifting in Underground(unfortonately) since EA wanted to make it easier to new gamers(wtf they had on their minds when they decided to do this?), so, no counter steering, and it seems the handbrake will be a bad thing to use when drifting, so, as a review that i saw another day, i do believe that drifting will be harder to those that did it a lot in the Underground series and easy to those that never had that great experience, but i guess we can still have some fun...
Personal thought: why don't we get to choose if we wanna drift in Underground Style or Carbon Style? that did be a great idea, it would keep the older players drifting and bring the new players...
Now, the Police. The police seems to be very similiar to that on Most Wanted, but, with a better AI and way more agressive, what means that this time it's going to be harder to lose the cops. yeaaah, that's all i have to say, cuz' i've seen only one video with the police...
And lastly, the Canyon Racing. this mode, perhaps is the most important for EA's development team, but, in the handling it seems to be normal, you know, just another race, but on practice, it's a bit different, since you have to: 1st-Keep up with your opponent to gain points or overtake him and stay on the front for 10s 2nd-Stay ahead of your opponent, leavin him as far as ossible to prevent him from takin points from you or lose him and make sure he doesn't catches up for 10s The winner is the one with more points at the end, that means you'll go down the hills twice, and if you fall out the track, you automatically loses(even though you can restart, so, it's not impossible)
so, what i say is stay on the track and keep going as fast as possible, here's a tip, in Most Wanted, braking a little bit while already turning into the turn direction(before the turn, not when you're alreay takin it) gets you cornering very tight, so, you do this right before the turn, and when you get on the turn, you hit the gas, that makes you go around a corner really fast at Most wanted, and since the handling is very like the same, it may help you out at Carbon as well...
So this is All I have to say About this game, this is my Full Preview, and as soon as i get to the end of the game(finish it) i'll be writing a review...
Thaks for reading and please, post a comment xD
See you guys around folks...
maybe in a topic, in a posting on the news, who knows?
-Rodrigo Furlan, Gamespot User, Brazil.
Starting now...
by rodrigo_br on Comments
it has been a long time since i started to post and do stuff here at Gamespot, but, since i'm... ahn... lame, i haven't posted anything this far...
Well, i felt that it was necessary to post htis time, after all, i'm almost a lvl 10 user and haven't posted anything here...
So, what can i say here??? oh, yeah, my latest achievments in my games, yeah, i guess that's k to talk about...
well, i haven't been playin much, so my last achievment was in the only game i've been playin ultimately, Toca Race Driver 3(i won't write TRD cuz' TRD is for Toyota Racing Development)
Stills, this isn't a great aachievment, but i'm sure that it gotta be something...
i'm now on tear 31, yeah, the next one is the last... and, that's incredibly hard, i mean, the F1 car is awesome, as we guide it trough the circuit alone, it's a lot of fun, and we think we're fast, but when you get to drive against the AI... men, if you make it to the end alive it's already something...
anyway, this is a BIG post isn't it??? well, i gotta start with the right foot right?
i guess nobody will read this, anyway, if anyone reads, please, wast 5 seconds and post a comment... anything, like "hey, i'd read"
if just one posts that, i'll be happy already =]
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