If you look to the first GTA and find things that could be done with it there's no way you would make such a good game as GTA is today... so let's the new things be done by Rockstar,as they think it should be...
of course everybody thinks that something can be done, and they'll still think till the next GTA game is something like entering the Matrix and livin another life in a digital world...
of course that a lot of people wants to make them own custom charcters, but it doesn't make sense a white guy havin a black brother does it? if the character is changed the story has to be changed as well, and that's just too much work for them...
if they're goin to make it possible that the player can choose how his charcter is goin to be, it should be something like givin the player the chance choose from some already made characters, each one with his own history...
and since this game is comin for the PS3 which has an media with a lot of space for citys, interiors, weapons and everything else, i think they should save time by puttin Lyberty City, Vice City and San Andreas in a way you not just can, but you have to get a plane and go to these cities(remember the mission in wich you fly from las venturras to portland) and maybe a boat, so they can put islands in the way from one city to another or make a all new city but keep the others that the players already know...
i LOVE liberty city...
Havin' all the cities togheter will be a chalenge since they will have to remake every city, not because of makin the cities with better graphics, but also because Liberty city is set in the 2001 year and SA is in the 90's. and new time setting needs new cars, new planes, new bikes... new everything...
also, it maybe be cool to have more laws aplied to the police A.I. and a more complete HUD, like something that shows you what the speed of your car and some other stuff...
new actions to your character like gettin an pedestrian as humam shield, takin a taxi somewhere(just so you don't lose much time drivin around) chalenging others for stuff like a fight or a race(bettin money)...
more reality,on the physics of the drivin engine and somethin like havin to pay taxes for your property, the police come after the stolen cars after some time, so if you want to have a car and don't have trouble with police you'll have to buy it(and if you leave it somewhere you'll have to go to the police and wait some time to have it back and also you'll have to pay to fix it) and something important is spending money refueling a car or it will stop...(this is cool for missions in wich you have to travel long distances)
-Choosin a character that most look like you, and being able to after finish the game with this one, finish again with anoter character...
-A Bigger map and maybe a new city...
-New Vehicles...
-New Weapons...
-More Missions...
-New actions for your character...
-More Reality...
-Everything else you found on the previous GTA's...
isn't these things that we all want? if you people agree with me, send me an private msg and let's join forces so Rockstar will know what they players want and will make a better game for us all...
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