rogan4310 / Member

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Me, ????????

What is your name?
Josh Thomas-Millar

What is your zodiac sign?

What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
Probably 80's-90's rock

Do you like sports (watch or play)?
Play rugby, also watch football

What is your relationship status?
I would seriously like a decent Girlfriend

Do you have any children?
Don't think so :S

What things can make or break a relationship?
Cheating, Personality

What are 2 of your favorite foods?
Pizza and Chips

Do you have any pets?
No, but getting a guinea pig

Any tattoos or piercings?
Ear pierced, kinda closed up now.

Do you have siblings?
Yup 4

How is your relationship with your parents?
Pretty awesome at he moment. Hope it doesnt chage

What is your occupation?
Secondary School Student

What is your ideal job?
Material Chemist or Nanoscientist

What was your best subject in school?
Chemistry and I.T.

Your worst subject in school?
Graphics, getting a C :S

What is something you like to do in your downtime?
Hanging out with mates, Cinema, Gamespot

What is your favorite season?
Winter, nice and cold, christmas and my birthday

What is your least favorite house chore?
All of them

What time do you usually go to bed?

Do you wear glasses or contacts?

Do you miss anyone at the moment?
Not really

Last time you took a bubble bath?
Last Week (After rugby-Nothing dodgy)

What is one thing you want to accomplish this year?
Good science GCSE grades

What is your favorite holiday?

Do you have any allergies?
Washing powder other than Fairy

Do you enjoy thunderstorms?
They can be cool, dont really experience many

Have you/do you plan to vote this year?
Cant at the moment, but I want Gordon Brown out.

What cell phone provider do you use?

Do you speak any languages besides english?
Fluent Welsh, Partial spanish and french as well.

What is a smell that you love?
Freshly mown grass on a summer morning.

What is the last vacation you went on?
Went to Blackpool to stay with my nan.

Have you ever been horseback riding?

Have you ever gambled at a casino?
I'm not old enough for that yet

What is the last thing you ate and drank?
Tea and Sausage Roll

What time do you wake up in the morning?
Schoolday-6:10, weekend-11:00

Do you have any quotes that you really like?
I said all that and all you heard was "breasts"

What is the last song you listened to?
coldplay- viva la vida.

What radio stations do you listen to?

Run school station, and Radio 1

Do you sleep with your closet door open or closed, or does it matter?
Depends, usually open

Do you prefer to sleep with any light in the room, or in total darkness?
Not bothered, usually dark.

What is the weather like right now where you are?
Hot but with a breeze-Nice

Do you close the door when you use the bathroom or shower when you're home alone?
Not really, I dont see the point if im on my own

Next vacation you plan to go on?
Go to chicago to visit my uncle.

Have you ever been in love?
Don't think so, had a crush big Crush though

What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
Wimbledon-with an ex, a long time ago.

Do you believe that you have haters and that people talk about you behind your back?
Yeah. Not everybody are decent peopel

What are 2 fruits that you really like?
Grapes and Apples

How do you feel about your family?

What is your favorite salad dressing?
Just salad

Do you call anyone by their last name?
Yeah, only when playing rugby though

Have you ever walked into the bathroom for the opposite sex by accident (or on purpose)?
Accident, First day of secondary school, not good.

Do you smoke, drink or use any kind of drugs?
sometimes drink, like at parties and stuff

Have you ever had your heart broken?

If you could go back in time and change anything from your past, would you do?

Maybe, like not mmove schools when I did. So I would have all my old friends back

Do you hate anyone?
Not hate, but dislike? Yes.

Is there something else you should be doing right now?
I think I should get on with My english essay