- rogerpenna’s Activity
Ok, I have a simple 3070.But then again I NEVER play in 4k.I wish they showed how the game would run in different RTX cards at DIFFERENT resolutions.
@jinzo9988: in that case, it's "latino-americano(a)"Latinos and latinas are inhabitants of Lazio region of Italy... ancient Latium, where Rome was founded.
Disney should swallow their pride and decree all of this sh**** new trilogy is NON CANON and everything from the expanded universe that Disney declared non canon is BACK to being canon. And then jus...
and in other news, Dungeons & Dragons 80s cartoon gets a live action brazilian car ad (from Renault).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmCTtom62HM
@aegis_kleais: how exactly Dishonored and Doom treat you like an open wallet?both were excellent games and I never spent a CENT on them aside the buying price on Steam (and at discount prices, that is...
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