Hi, i am actually living a big debate in my head and i need opinion from other peoples. I don't know if i should get a ps4 or get a gaming PC by the end of the years. I am the type of guy that need to have a game to play in his spare time wither for break when i study or to just pass time at home when i have nothing to do, othwerwise i get crazy and now i have nothing!!
I will explain a little bit my situation first In three years i bought:
- 1 MacBook pro that cost 2300 $ and the cpu broke after 1 yr and 1 month off guaranty (in the first year the screen broke twice not from abuse)
-sony vaio 1000 $ that broke after 1 years and 2 month was again the CPU.
- Now i have a Lenovo P580 that i bought for 550 $ but it is really cheaply made the pin of the screen keep on breaking so i don't give my laptop a really long time before i need to change it again
-Ps3 wich i really liked but i sold it recently thinking it would be the best time if i didn't want too loose too much money on it and go for a Ps4.
So as you can see i am really unlucky with electronic and buying a Ps4 that should last 5-6 years make me anxious since if it break i will have to spend the same amount of money again ... So i went and check how much would cost a PC that would give me the same or more performance than a Ps4 and went with this : http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/user/rogun12/saved/2NoC but it cost a lot of money.
So i am really hesitant between, buying a ps4 and spent the money i save on a laptop like the ideapad y410p (750$) that will let me play game like metro last light, dark souls 2, black desert or bless that i won't be able to play on ps4 or buy a good gaming PC that will let me play most of the 2014 games (BUT NOT DESTINY :*(((() and buy a really cheap laptop only for school. Paying for a costly laptop + a ps4 make me anxious because if it break i need to spend a lot of money and a PC is reparable for low cost but i kind of like the feeling of a console.
So what you think of it ?
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