Seems to be all over the place, I don't understand much of Minecraft i hope my kids enjoy the crap out of it, Didn't the Mario movie get mid reviews? But was totally awesome and did well
Verdansk even though not the whole map but a good chunk of it especially the downtown was the best of times in warzone....mw2 and mw3 burned me out I bailed pretty early on bo6 this year and reinstalled mw2019 but its like they don't want you to have fun and the map rotation sucks why not just give us shipment, rust and shoot house 24/7
Fan of the originals as i was in highschool when i played them and I do love the new ones as well because of the growth and change and in gameplay as the old ones started to get stale by the 3rd one... including the psp games.. Ragnarok was the last game I played recently where the story was incredible... Games these days have such forgettable stories I miss the ps2,ps3/360 eras
Good to hear that for a multiplayer game ... Had to check out of Call of duty because it got to be too much with battle passes, premium battle passes, limited events, and now battle passes for the limited events plus the $20 skins don't have any tactical advantage anymore since they're things like monsters and ninja turtles and neon cat eared gamers and even just cats ... Sad state of shooters these days
Predictions are so dumb because they are so short sighted.... Overall overtime if Nintendo can just keep the games coming by the end of like 6-8 years they will sell hella... And yes keep my backstock of switch games playable on the new one and ill upgrade immediately.... Been waiting to play games like witcher 3 and doom not looking like a low rez YouTube video taping over a 90s show at 360p .... I hope i correctly assume we'll get switch 2 editions of games .. similar to the marketing for ps5 the first 3 years....ooooh play your ps4 library even betterer
Well they need to make some kinda money off of it.... Gamepass probably wasn't enough since subscription services pay garbage compared to straight sales
Sounds awful glad my childhood remains free of any memories of it other than remembering how stupid it looked back then and now 20 years later...just as stupid... I'm sure Gamespot there were many fantastic games in 2005 that a worth a lengthy article as well
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