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Random games from the net

Well I was just browsing through some articles today when i stumbled upon this browser based game named Anigma. It's an online game created using CSS 3, which are basically stuff that people use to add the good looks to their websites. As a result, you don't need to install any plugins to play the game...just go to the link and start playing. Since I had a lot of spare usual :P I decided to give it a try, and I have to admit that Anigma is a fun game. In the game, the player has to remove jewels from the screen by moving similar types of jewels to each other. But wait, there's a timer as well :? . As the player progresses through the levels, the difficulty level increases as well and it starts to get a bit addictive as well and you'll have to come up with new methods to get it done within the time limit. Well I got to go now...I'm at level 14 now, and from the comments I've seen about the game there's atleast 60 levels in the game.

Just in case anyone wants to try it out, I'll post the link below. It's definitely a fun game if you want to do something for a time-pass.

And also, if any of you guys know about similar games feel free to add them in the comments section so that everyone can try it out :).

Games I've been playing recently...

Well I've been playing some cool games recently and just decided to have it put up here.

1)Burnout Paradise Ultimate Edition

2)Call of Duty: World at War

3)Race Driver GRID

4)Need for Speed SHIFT

5)CS: Condition Zero

6)Elven Legacy

7)Halo: Combat Evolved

Right now I'm just playing through halo never gets old!!! Actually I'm writing a walkthrough for Halo. It's taking a lot of time, but it's been fun maybe because halo's one of my all-time favorites.

Sorry the blog's been dark lately...

Well I haven't written any posts for quite a while...been busy with other things. Playing Burnout Paradise was a lot of fun but the proxy server refuses to let me connect to the Criterion Games network for updating my in-game progress. Looking forward to writing a review on burnout soon, should be my first one actually. I'll start posting more once I'm done with my exams next week. I was thinking of giving the eBay Motors demo version of Race Driver GRID a try. Will post my thoughts on it ASAP...until then Goodbye!!!

The Ultimate Paradise

I bought a copy of Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box edition after I got interested in the trial version a few weeks back. I got myself learners license and tier C & D license today.

I also got nearly a dozen cars and bikes.The crash sequences are just awesome and I particularly liked the road rage challenges where you have to takedown a certain number of opponents in a certain period of time.

Iron Grip demo hands on

Played the demo version of Iron Grip Winter Offensive. It's definitely one of the best demos I've played recently with nearly a dozen maps thrown in. It's a great game and is sort of FPS/RTS Hybrid with some cool weapon and skill upgrades thrown in.The game also has a morale element in it which decreases when the enemies start pushing hard into the player's headquarters. The enemy morale can be decreased by finding out and killing their captains. The game is intense even in singleplayer as it throws massive armies along with tanks and walkers against the player. The player must defend his city by thwarting off waves of enemies and protecting his own Headquarters. New weapons and better skills can be acquired using experience collected by destroying the enemies. The same experience can be used to build defense structures and mines which are very critical as well. This choice between upgrading the player's own skills as well as defense fortifications with the experience points makes the game even more engaging especially in the first few minutes of gameplay. The graphics isn't top notch but players will hardly notice it in between the fast paced gameplay. All in all this is a really good game with some great and intense action sequences and I recommend everyone to try it out.

Desert Hawk Hands-on

I recently tried my hands on a small game called Desert Hawk which I received along with a monthly pc magazine.I didnt expect much out of it because most of the small free games that are usually given with the magazine aren't that good.But this game really got me hooked on.

Desert Hawk is basically an arcade type helicopter combat game.It was very fast paced and intense with some great visuals and included more than a dozen really cool weapons and missiles.It had three copters out of which two had to be unlocked.With 24 missions and 5 difficulty levels filled with intense action packed gameplay.The weapon effects were really cool too and finishing the game kept me wanting for more.I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to try out an arcade game for a change.The game's available at for free download.

Another game that I find really addictive is star sword which is also available at the same site.It's a space combat game with cool options like upgrading your space fighter and it's weapons,droids,etc.I'll write about it after I finish playing through it.

Burning out through the Paradise

After mindlessly slaughtering terrorists in modern warfare and making pancakes out of cop cars in most wanted,I decided to try a new game.So it was this in mind that I got myself a trial version of Burnout Paradise version yesterday and had decided to give it a try.The game was totally mindblowing.It was easily one of the coolest games I've ever played.The cars and handling are also superb with a great city as well.Even after playing at toned down settings the cars and the city looked great.

Since I was playing only the trial version, I could get only around half an hour of gameplay,but it was the most fun game I've played recently.I got myself a new license, three cars and a garage.Burning my car out through the paradise city was a experience that I had never done in any other racing game. I played through some takedown races and an ordinary race.The takedowns were totally awesome with those cool crash sequences.The races were pretty easy probably because I could play only through a few of the beginning challenges.

Well after playing through this trial version, there's only one thing I can say - I really need to get myself the full version and if any of you guys haven't then you'd better do it too.

All you soldiers who wanna see some terrorists up close...this is ur lucky game

Bad terrorists - check, Cool squad control options - check, Can call for aerial recon to scout the area - check, Armored with MLOJNIR armor - check:P...well actually leave the last one off the list,load your weapons and pack your bags...Welcome to Full Spectrum Warrior.

It was after hearing a lot about "Six Days in Fallujah" getting cancelled:cry:that I decided to play the Full Spectrum Warrior.It was released in 2004 by Pandemic and is now available for free download.The game puts you in two teams of four set in warzone in a fictional middle eastern country called Zekistan.I've just completed the five tutorial missions and even after what little of the experience I've had ,I must say the game rocks.

At first it looks like another old Rainbow themed Six clone set in Middle East where you can select any of your team member and play using him and his equipments.But things are a lot different here.Even though it looks like a third person shooter,it's more of a strategy game set in third person view.You can use you teams to flank enemies from the side,take cover under stuff some of which will blow under direct fire,carry other wounded soldiers to safety and even more and all of these in the tutuorial itself.All of these stuff are executed pretty neatly & I haven't notice any bugs until now.Well I'll post more thoughts on the game after I start playing the single player campaign...oh and it has co-op campaign also.

Heck...someone should come up with a new title for this franchise and meantime I'm gonna hunt for some terrorists in the Middle-East8).

F.E.A.R 2 demo hands on...

I recently played through the demo version of F.E.A.R 2 in normal settings.

It's an awesome game...the weapons look great, the enemies use multiple entry points, the mech sequences were great & best of all it's still scary much like the first game.
The only problem I had was that I had to keep most of the settings to minimun in my laptop.
Well, I'm going back to play it again on harder settings.

Digging for some trackmania...

Yesterday I tried my hands on the freeware game trackmania nations forever.Well the game was really cool...It has these all sorts of bizarre gravity defying tracks:shock:where the only thing that's stopping you is your own ability.The game lets you race past the track at speeds of 500km an hour and you can do some cool stunts too.I had played it before but didn't have a lot of gold medals.So I decided to get my hands on some gold.I raced through some really crazy tracks and got my tally of total medals upto 81.

Then I decided to try to create a track with it's inbuilt track creator.I had created a small track with it's simple interface.So I decided to check the advanced version of their track creator.Awesome is one word in which I can describe it.With this tool I could create tracks similar to the ones that were created by the developers.I started by creating a medium sized track but I wanted to check if it works fine under the wheel & tat's the best part.With the press of a Enter button I could instantly race through the track to see if all elements were put in the right place.After testing for some 5 or 6 times I got myself a new map but I havent added the timings of AI racers.But since I wanted to play quake 3 I decided to save it and do the rest of the stuff after getting some frags in Q3.

The game is really good, but what got me really into it is the track editor.Well g2g bcoz I have a track waiting for a date with me.;)