Bad terrorists - check, Cool squad control options - check, Can call for aerial recon to scout the area - check, Armored with MLOJNIR armor - check:P...well actually leave the last one off the list,load your weapons and pack your bags...Welcome to Full Spectrum Warrior.
It was after hearing a lot about "Six Days in Fallujah" getting cancelled:cry:that I decided to play the Full Spectrum Warrior.It was released in 2004 by Pandemic and is now available for free download.The game puts you in two teams of four set in warzone in a fictional middle eastern country called Zekistan.I've just completed the five tutorial missions and even after what little of the experience I've had ,I must say the game rocks.
At first it looks like another old Rainbow themed Six clone set in Middle East where you can select any of your team member and play using him and his equipments.But things are a lot different here.Even though it looks like a third person shooter,it's more of a strategy game set in third person view.You can use you teams to flank enemies from the side,take cover under stuff some of which will blow under direct fire,carry other wounded soldiers to safety and even more and all of these in the tutuorial itself.All of these stuff are executed pretty neatly & I haven't notice any bugs until now.Well I'll post more thoughts on the game after I start playing the single player campaign...oh and it has co-op campaign also.
Heck...someone should come up with a new title for this franchise and meantime I'm gonna hunt for some terrorists in the Middle-East8).