After mindlessly slaughtering terrorists in modern warfare and making pancakes out of cop cars in most wanted,I decided to try a new game.So it was this in mind that I got myself a trial version of Burnout Paradise version yesterday and had decided to give it a try.The game was totally mindblowing.It was easily one of the coolest games I've ever played.The cars and handling are also superb with a great city as well.Even after playing at toned down settings the cars and the city looked great.
Since I was playing only the trial version, I could get only around half an hour of gameplay,but it was the most fun game I've played recently.I got myself a new license, three cars and a garage.Burning my car out through the paradise city was a experience that I had never done in any other racing game. I played through some takedown races and an ordinary race.The takedowns were totally awesome with those cool crash sequences.The races were pretty easy probably because I could play only through a few of the beginning challenges.
Well after playing through this trial version, there's only one thing I can say - I really need to get myself the full version and if any of you guys haven't then you'd better do it too.