intel-gamer, you don't need to get a new processor, yours is quite fast. Most games show little benifet from having a quad over a dual core currently. I would suggest you go with the 8800GTS G92, it has about the same performance as a 8800 GTX and in some benchmarks I have seen actually beats it by a little. Although it is not much faster than the 8800GT it has a MUCH better cooler, the cooler on the GT is not the greatest. But don't get me wrong.. the GT is a great card, I just think you should spend a little extra and get the GTS G92.
han_andchewbaca it should at least run, albeit at it's lowest settings, oh and camdbz251 it should run alright at lower resolutions on high settings (with some stuff on lower settings probably)
gamergeekVII, it may be true that it ran at max settings, but at what resolution, and what was your average framerate? These benchmarks are actually quite accurate, according to these benchmarks you should be able to play it at high settings with that setup anyway (when at low resolutions).
soccerguy93 in most notebooks it is impossible or near impossible to replace the graphics card. In some notebooks you could upgrade the processor (if you can find a processor that works with the notebook), but it might be hard to do.
Iffy350 is it a 320MB or 640MB GTS, or is it the new G92 based 512MB ones? Anyway I think you should be able to play it with most settings on high (But some on low so it stays smooth in battles and everything).
grootlaar, you should be able to run it at it's highest settings, but how much RAM do you have, I couldn't understand what you were saying. Also you should look into getting a new processor, Pentium 4s aren't very good for gaming and even the cheapest of Core 2 Duos (about $130) will be many times faster than your P4. Currently, your system will bottleneck at your processor in many games.
mcuth, no your video card is not fast enough for the game to be much fun (with the settings on low, it takes away a lot of the games atmosphere). It may run but it would be on low settings, you should look into getting a new graphics card. If you are willing to spend around $250, look into getting a Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT, it's a great card for the money, and would allow you to probably run this at all high settings at 1024 x 768.
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