i've noticed, whenever ps3 looks better, gamespots judges the games look about even! and if ps3 looks better and they admit it, its like theyre sorry for and say things like "We HAVE TO say [ps3 looks better here]" But if the 360 looks better they boast about it like its awesome!
also i have NEVER seen wierd shadows like that on the ps3 version of dead space in the bottom pic. but the funny thing is everything but that looks much better on ps3 than 360. sure they took good comparison pictures, but they compared them poorly. its like with Dead space the textures and colors, and other effects (even depth of field), are clearly better on the ps3 but they made sure to note that lame shadow thing i've never seen before (even though i have played threw it multiple times on ps3) im not a fanboy i just find these things to be seriously critical when it comes to ps3 flaws,and nonchalant when its comes to 360's. and then its like GS hates saying something good about something better on ps3. for instance, when talking about CODWAW, they are quick to get you to avoid comparing the uniforms right off the bat with this lame "radomized crap" because they don't want you to realize that even if the uniforms are randomized and look different, they still look far superior on the ps3 verion, and they are also seemingly disappointed to admit the ps3 has better lighting contrast: "We HAVE to say the..." well maybe you HAVE TO SAY that the textures on the ps3 version (like especially the arms and guns in first person)! gamespot needs to stop with these ridiculous comparisons. could you imagine if multiplatform games said the hell with making sure they look about even and instead just made each version take advantage of each consoles technology as much as possible?!!? i believe the ps3 games would look much better, and that is why a game like Uncharted can still go up against the newest games like Gears 2 even though its much older!
i mean come on now, "xbox 360 has superior flowers" like wtf are we comparing here dude?!?! Soul Caliber clearly looks better on ps3, just like fallout 3 looks better on 360.
aniteshchand: >Fallout 3= Xbox 360 by far. It was even admitted by PSM3. >Soul Caliber IV= PS3. Better textures and color. >The Force Unleashed= Even. Darth Vader pictures were better on PS3. Other two were much better on Xbox 360. >Call of Duty: World at War= PS3. Better colors and textures. It was also more dynamic, and the WWII Marine uniforms were more accurate on the PS3. >Madden NFL: PS3 slightly. PS3 had better colors and textures. Xbox 360 had a much better crowd behind the referee. >Mortal Kombat vs. DC: Xbox 360. It had better colors and textures. I agree 100%
this is SO lame of gamespot to keep comparing. of COURSE the games on xbox look better, because the only ones you compared were designed for pc/xbox first, then ps3!!! how about comparing all the games that had ps3 as lead system. how about comparing exclusive titles?!?!?!?
nba live seems like its all over the place. some people look good, and then others look outright insulting and funny. i think nba 09 looks good but not great across the board. and nba 2k looks pretty good across the board.
ronniepage588's comments