I was in my teenage year when I i first played Prince of Persia The Sands of Time. Needless to say I was amazed by the game. People would ask me if the game was good and I would reply “Dude, is a game where you freaking walk in the walls like a ninja, go back in time, and suck these sand zombies soldiers in a dagger, it’s awesome”. The warrior within and The Two Thrones came, I enjoyed both of them and I had to know who made this awesome games.
That’s how I first met ubisoft.
When I saw the trailer for the first Assassin’s Creed game I was completly amazed. For what I understood, that amazing company which made one of my favourite action adventure series was going to make a game about assassins. I couldn’t wait to play it.
It took me some time to finally be able to run it in my wagon (Or computer if you will), and I finally got to play it. The game was amazing, you got to blend in society, parkour into stuffs, kill some bastards, run like a maniac, and you had to stealth, otherwise you would be dead. Here I must say I am a type of player that if the mission or collectible is shown in the map, I HAVE to do or pick it up. After a few hours I got bored from the repetitive structure. For reasons I don’t remeber now, I removed it from my computer.
A few months later I tried another go on the game, but again, I got bored and it was removed from the PC. I gave it a third try, I had a better computer, so the game was even more beautifull, and I was engaged, because Assassin’s Creed II was just realeased, and the critic was awesome, so I had to finish the first one in order to play the second. This time I finally finished it and was mindblowed for the ending.
The first Assassin’s Creed game is wonderfull, I think it’s the only game in the serie where it achieved what ubisoft had planned for the game. You had to blend, to stealth, and plan your strategie for the assassinations. The game wasn’t exactly hard, but fighting 10 soldier, instead of just 1 was something to consider. The problem with it is that it is repetitive. So I advised my friends to only play the main story.
Assassin’s creed 2 was my target now. I finished it in my first try, was amazed by how beautifull everything in the game was, the city, the clothes, the parkour, the characters. But one thing was annoying me. The game was really easy, and the stealth was only necessary for the missions where you got to be desynchronized from being spotted, because fighting a couple of soldiers, and twenty of them, didn’t make any difference. When I finished it I was telling my friends about how good the game was, how everything felt in place, and all the things a fanboy say. After some time, I started to think “was this game that awesome?”. It was beautifull, but that’s basically one of the only good things I had to say about it. The game was easy, it felt the open approach you had for the missions, were stupid, because you could just storm on the gates, blazing your sword and killing everyone. So I started to doubt my affection for the series.
Brotherhood came and it was garbage. I hated that game. There is no story. If you ask what happened in it i couldn’t answer. There was simply no substance. Everything seemed like it was made only to sell. Multiplayer. None character development. Nothing. One good thing I can say about it was the 100% synchronization, where I was forced (Because I had that gaming obligation) to try some different approaches. It was nice, if you wanted you could go for the 100%, if not “TO THE SWORDS”.
Now I must say I was expecting more garbage coming with Revelations, but I was surprised with it. It was great. The story, ezio development. The full synchronization was back. Yes it was easy, and had some other flaws, but I really enjoyed the game.
For the third game I was again hoping for something good. The trailers were awesome. For the first time you got to climb on trees. There was snow on the trailers, blood, and an american indian main character, and the ending for Desmond’s tale. You see, Assassin’s Creed for me was all about Desmond, if his story was finished, so would be Assassin’s Creed’s. My first problem with the game was the main character name. Ezio means eagle, and Altair means bird, or eagle in some interpretations. I was hoping for “Hawk”, because it was american. But Connor...Ok, not a big deal. They remade the parkour, wich was something good, because pressing two buttons to run on the controller wasn’t comfortable. The combat system also changed. Here I think their ideia was good, probably drawing inspiration from the Batman Arkham series, but the executions was poor, the combat was as bad as ever. The story is boring, Connor is a joke compared to Ezio and Altair. Half of the mechanics were half baked, gliches, bugs. The ending for Desmond, my god the ending... It was terrible. To sumarize, the game was bad. Like really bad. Like when you eat a expired chocolate, and after some hours yours stomach is punishing you.
So I thought the Assassin’s Creed series was done and buried. How wrong I was. When they announced Black Flag I was skeptical. I played it only because I wanted to test my new gaming notebook. The game wasn’t bad, it was actually good. All the other problems with the serie were there, but you were a goddam pirate. Edward’s story was quite enjoyable, but the prophet abstergo stuff was really just to sell more. If the game was called “Pirate simulator” I would have been more happy.
When Unity was reviwed I was more than happy to see the bad reviews. At this time I was a ubisoft “hateboy”, but eventually I got it installed in my machine. I played it a little bit, and was surprised when I found out that it was actually nice. Some new kinds of missions, some of them hard (Probably because I played them alone where it was supposed to be multiplayer), and most of them interesting. The game is bugged as amazon forest, it was crashing constantly so I removed it from my PC.
The other games in the series I didn’t even touch.
So Assassin’s Creed is a serie that gave what it had to give. It should have ended at the third installment, but some of the games are enjoyable. If they were focused in doing a few things, and making them good, like stealth and combat, the series would be a lot better, but the greed for money made them a medíocre series.
Have you enjoyed the Assassin’s Creed series? What other compliments or complains do you have? Do you agree with me? Comment bellow.