A few days ago I got my hands on the Dragon Age Inquisition game, and I’m a REAL Dragon Age fanboy (I am such a fan, that if they where a rock band, I would definitely throw my underpants on them). When i instaled it, I was like “WOW, I’m DEFINITELY going to explode my fingers with this one, goodbye my dear vacations”. But when I played it I felt a little “meeeh”.
Nowadays we are experiencing an “actionization” of games. Games series we love are going towards action, and some of them are even losing their legacy. But is this “actionization” that bad?
Like most of the things in the world, if done properly, making a game more action oriented is actually something interesting. Like residente evil 4, wich is a lovely game, and made a huge turn compared to the other games in the series that far. When I played the others Resident Evil games I was nothing but a little kid, shitting my pants for some pixelated zombies, so I’m not exactly a reference regarding this games, but I can say for sure, that Resident evil 4 is a blast. Other games also went that way, like The Witcher, going from a clunky RPG like combat, to something brutal and awesome in the second entry (Don’t judge me, I love the first game of the entry, but I need to say the combat was clunky).
On the other hand, there are some games that don’t quite knew how to immerse well in the action world. Continuing with the Residente vil series, we got Residente vil 6. I didn’t got to play the whole game to say this with my own oppinion, but the critics weren’t that good, and if Kevin VanOrd gave that game a 4,5, for god sake I believe him. We could see the transformation of the Resdient evil series gradually, from a good action horror survival of the fourth entry, to a basically action shooter on the fifth and what is probably what I do in the toilet after some tacos in the sixth. Dead space also went that same way, gradually becoming an action game, rather than the survival horror experience. Some of those games aren’t exactly bad, it’s just that it’s predecessor claimed something unique, and going for a more action oriented game made them loose that thing wich made the games what they were.
Games aren’t the only places where we experience this kind of thing. More and more we see some shitty films, with a lot of CGI, explosions (Not quoting any especific directors whose movies are about explosions, and robot aliens), and lacking some basics, like a good story, envolving characters and all the things that actually make a good film. If we broaden our view, we could even go to the music universe, where the songs now are just a bunch of noise and terrible lyrics.
So, who are we to blame for all of this?
Lately our society is becoming faster and faster. Information is at the tip of your fingers, and the world is an everchanging mass of technolgy and human behavior. People are becoming bored as fast as sonic is after drinking some energy drinks. They get something, experience it, and after a couple of hours they want something new. Somethings aren’t meant to be tasted in just a few hours. Learning how to play a guitar for exemple need some good years of training and appreciation.
So the Market comes and addapt to it. No I’m not a communist, I don’t saccrifice virgins, neither Im a hippie, I’m just stating what happens.
All of this sounds familiar to you? Short games, where you are not meant to think and appreciate, just play, and most of the times just shoot? Storys where after a couple of days you don’t even remeber the main character names? Lack of masterpieces, like Shadow of the Colossus where you just feel in love with a game because it’s just beautiful?
Luckily for us, who really aprreciate gaming, the world IS everchanging. The revival of things is a constant in our world, and games like Dark Souls are being made. Other independent games, founded with kickstarters like Divinity Original Sin are there for you to experience. Other minor games, where the creators just do what they want are still a reality.
Everything in our world is a reflex of the presente. But as changes as a constant, we do not need to worry, because sooner or later, we will the games we love.
So guys, this is my first post, and I need to say this is my oppinion, I don’t know if I’m right, if I said some bullshit, this is what I believe. What other games you guys thought went trough the “actionization”? What independente games you think is Worth? Do you agree with me? Leave your comment bellow.