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ATHF Bomb scared....

If you ever needed proof that we as a nation are getting really really stupid you should check this out.;img;4

I commented. yes. I almost had to! the most disturbing thing about this is that these people who found these advertisements could not distiguise a box with lights on it from a bomb....and that scares me.

next week they will be charging you with terrorist actions if you pull out your cell phone...because it is an electronic device. and has wires. and a power supply.

or take this artical:

That picture looks nothing like a bomb to me. granted i've never seen a bomb before, but I'm almost positive they don't light up at night and give you the finger.

And what kind of bombs has that Grossman seen that look like that? honestly.

And why is boston the only one with this problem?

and this quote here

 “It’s clear the intent was to get attention by causing fear and unrest that there was a bomb in that location,” Assistant Attorney General John Grossman said at their arraignment."

BS. serioulsy BS. 

Ever hear of war of the worlds.....only this only the officals paniced.