Here lies Danny Phantom, once a good show, taken from this world far to early by the mindlessness of network executives that have lost touch with their audiance. It now joins this graveyard with the likes of Hey Arnold, Rocko's Modern life, Invader zim, The Angry beavers and other good shows. (each having many unsuccesful petinions and letters blanketing them as they where lowered into the graves.) We will miss them and there inteligent and humourse nature and cry with them that the where not givein the respect that they truly deserived.
Weather you liked but one, or loved them all you now see that Danny Phantom is not the first to die this horrible death, and nor will it be the last. If Viacom continues this terrible cycle.
As I rest this poor show to rest, I ask everyone for a minute of silence....
And now the point.
We have to stop this from happening again. write Nick and tell them that you are displeased with their apparent lack of intrest on keeping a loyal fan base, in favor of an unpreditble fan base and push them to offer merchandise of past shows that you loved, ask for a catologe if they have one. Ask why you have never seen a Danny Phantom action figure or an Angrey Bevers DVD set. Ask them anything. Write them letters every day, every week if you have too. But not just about one show. Get mad about lack of "stuff" and cry about how you weren't able to get what little they did offer.
Just write them, show them you are watching them, not just their projects. make them notice us as a fanbase.