User Reviews & Ratings

Average Score 7.9/10
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  10. 1
  • Rating:9

    Halo 3: ODST

  • Rating:9.5
    Cliver Barker's Jericho: a horribly reviewed horror game. But is it really that bad?

    Clive Barker's Jericho (Limited Edition)

    Cliver Barker's Jericho: a horribly reviewed horror game. But is it really that bad?

    I've started a new personal review scale, as seen in this review. I will be reviewing this game in 7 areas: graphics, sound, controls, story, multiplayer, bonus materials, and artistic direction. The final review score i... Read Full Review

    2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7
    The Halo hype machine has finally given birth, but are we 100% satisfied with the results?

    Halo 3

    The Halo hype machine has finally given birth, but are we 100% satisfied with the results?

    I'm starting a new personal review scale in this review. I will be reviewing this game in 7 areas: graphics, sound, controls, story, multiplayer, bonus materials, and artistic direction. The final review score is not an ... Read Full Review

    1 of 3 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:6.8
    Fun... but not... too fun

    Marble Blast Ultra

    Fun... but not... too fun

    Marble Blast Ultra is a difficult game to try to review. Ironically, I'm attempting it as my very first video game review. So here goes nothing. Marble Blast Ultra is easy to pick up and play. It's not terribly expen... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9
    After this amazing follow up to the original Bad Company, I'm truly excited to see where this franchise goes!

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    After this amazing follow up to the original Bad Company, I'm truly excited to see where this franchise goes!

    Bad Company 2, Bad Company 2, what can I say about Bad Company 2...? Not much, which in my case is a good thing. I'm not an easy guy to please, and while not having much bad to say about a game doesn't quite equate to ha... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:5.5
    You're not missing much if you skip the original Bad Company. Stick to Modern Warfare instead.

    Battlefield: Bad Company

    You're not missing much if you skip the original Bad Company. Stick to Modern Warfare instead.

    Well, today is the release date of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on the Xbox 360 and PS3, so why not celebrate with, what else? A review of the first game! Battlefield is a series made famous by it's vehicular online bat... Read Full Review

    3 of 12 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9
    ODST is just fresh enough that I wouldn't mind seeing more Halo games, provided Bungie continues to change it up a bit.

    Halo 3: ODST

    ODST is just fresh enough that I wouldn't mind seeing more Halo games, provided Bungie continues to change it up a bit.

    I suppose I should be honest here. I was not a big fan of Halo 3. I hated Halo 3 long before it became popular to hate Halo 3. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the first two Halo games so much (the second in particular) that even ... Read Full Review

    0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    The whole experience, warts and all, feels like a worthwhile venture. No small feat, for no small game.

    Mass Effect

    The whole experience, warts and all, feels like a worthwhile venture. No small feat, for no small game.

    Mass Effect is actually a game that I had played through a long time before I reviewed it. For the sake of the review (and because I hadn't played it in two years), I decided to go back and give the disc another spin. No... Read Full Review

    0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    A great ride, a thrilling shooter, but ultimately lacking that special something...

    Killzone 2

    A great ride, a thrilling shooter, but ultimately lacking that special something...

    Killzone is one of the relatively small number of PS3 games that isn't readily available on another platform. Originally developed in response to the Xbox's famed Halo series, Killzone has never really garnered the same ... Read Full Review

    2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7.5
    Capcom gives an SNES classic the update-treatment with mixed results.

    Irregular Hunter X

    Capcom gives an SNES classic the update-treatment with mixed results.

    For years now, I've been waiting faithfully for Capcom to release a faithful recreation of the original Megaman X on a portable system. You can probably imagine my excitement when I realized that Megaman: Maverick Hunter... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:6.5
    While Two Worlds does have a large scope and enough content to keep you playing for a long time, you may not want to...

    Two Worlds

    While Two Worlds does have a large scope and enough content to keep you playing for a long time, you may not want to...

    The advertisements preceding Two Worlds promised an Oblivion-esque epic of Oblivion-esque proportions. While Two Worlds does have an amazingly large scope and enough content therein to keep you playing all night long for... Read Full Review

    1 of 2 users found the following review helpful