So much ignorance here, let me spell it out for you. As a member of the military and intelligence background, Iran as a Islamic Republic wants you dead, it is not just a game. America does not want to kill Iranians, we will just do what we must if they leave us no choice. If you do not believe that then answer me why we have yet to bomb their nuke facilities to hell? If we are so quick to stomp some Iranian rear why have we yet to? Don't tell me about being bogged down in Iraq, we have plenty of airpower to lay iran to waste without setting one foot on the ground.
If you are a westerner non-muslim here talking trash about this think about that, these people want you to die in real life, not just in the game.
I love it when the most ignirante and just plain dumest person on the board complaines about ignorance.
First of lying is not big or clever however your american its in your blood, you were never part of the inteligance backround(watching fox news before your bedtime dosent count). islam dosent believe in violence there was a small extreamset group that hated you and by you i mean america and me in the UK, not the rest of europe they dont mind them. The resaon they dont like you atm is because you invaded a country and killed 100,000s of people for no reason. The reason you havent bombed the nuke facilities to hell is because there is a small country called Russia whos good friends with Iran and they too have good friends.
USA is getting its ass handed to them on a daily baises in iraq a country thats about 1/4 the size of iran and has no modern equipemnt so you wouldnt last long on iranian home groud, but of course you knew that from your years in inteligance.
Take your own advice and stick to gaming as you know nothing about anything outside of america. A country shouldnt be abe to go to war with another country unless over 60% of its population can point to that country on a map, that would make it had for america to invade cannada, let alone anywhere else.
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