hey, i just got this game about, 1 week ago, i been doin great except for the dozens of glitches, bugs and virus this game been dealing out at me. but after i got a new and better firewall, the dozens of patches that EA been just throwing at all of us gamers. the game is starting to feel like a average game.
i am of rank 14. my name in this game is rottenjoe
i am like the 1000th best player so far.
also if u have a EA game, like call of duty, unreal tornament, CNC3, bf2142 or just BF2, u should get gamespy comrade. with this it will soon add all of ur friends from all of ur EA or gamespy related games, to the gamespy comrade. which will allow u to chat with them. also it will tell u if that friend is in a certain game, or in a server in that certain game. it is fun. plus it makes a funny sound when u chat with someone.
finally, if u have CNC3 i have to tell u that u should go into my clan(i am not the leader)
go to http://www.tiberium-twilight.net/
then click on the forums tab
then click on the members list tab
then find either rottenjoe
or fing l3lueMage
and personal message us.