I finished or almost finished these games so far.
metal gear solid 1 , metal gear solid 2 , metal gear solid 3
Full out 2
resident evil 2 , resident evil 3 , resident evil 4
tekkan 2 , tekkan 3 , tekkan 4
NFS: 2 , NFS:3 hotpursuit , NFS: hot pursuit 2 , NFS: underground , NFS: underground 2 , NFS: most wanted , NFS:carbon
halo 2
command and conquer 1 , command and conquer tiberium sun , command and conquer 3
war of the monsters
NBA street 2 , NBA street 3
Doom 3
titan quest
quake 2 , quake 3 , quake 4
AOE:1 , AOE:2 , AOE:3
company of heroes
these are all the games that i had finished so far.. most of them i loved.
I been playing sense i was 4.. and i never stoped.
but i am thinking on giving it all up or at least most of it up at the age of 18.
what do you think about this?